Sunday, July 1, 2007

Activation! 9:30pm 27 1/2 hours after purchase

8:15am Sunday morning... a very happy iPerson!

The problem was with AT&T... big surprise.  They had a systems glitch that effected many, but they appeared to be way over their technical heads. 

I won't dwell on details or why I have even less hair on my head than I did on Friday, but I do want to share my observation concerning the following corporate cultural divide between AT&T and Apple:

Apple's Support verbal salutation: "Hey, bud, really sorry that this has been your experience and understand why you're bummed out.  I would be too. You'll be up and enjoying this amazing device, so hang in there."

AT&T's Support verbal salutation: "I want to thank you for calling AT&T. Is there any other way in which I can help you today?" 

I asked 5 or the 10 or so AT&T folks to not ask me that question. Perhaps with different emphasis they could get away with: "...[I know we were of absolutely NO help to you with this one very pressing issue but,] is there any other way in which I can help you today?"

Anyway, like a bad dream or childbirth* the pain is behind me. (*luckily there will be few female readings of this blog).

Will post pics from Friday later... didn't have it in me to celebrate earlier with my fellow new iPhone friends.

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